Maintenance: plugins / environment upgrade, sustainability

Hi everyone,

We are developing a large scale application since 2015 using Ionic v1. We didn’t migrate the code to newer versions and will probably not do it until a few months (several clients in production).

We are working on an update of several components including plugin versions and environment tools. Upgrading to newer versions of plugins and core dependencies such as Cordova is required for sustainability sake.

“Recent” update of cordova (and cordova-android) introduces breaking change like project structure change (issues with plugins which are not updated yet) and gradle issues (different versions). We are dealing with all plugins one by one and trying to find the better solution.

We noticed that the ionic-plugin-keyboard plugin has been deprecated in favor of cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard. We removed the old plugin, installed the new one, and updated the only line of code that relied on this plugin (hideKeyboardAccessoryBar).

As mentionned in the github project, we also installed the cordova-plugin-ionic-webview plugin. We are having a hard time to understand if this plugin is a must-have or not.

As far as we understood (read online), this plugin has to be installed if we want the app to run smoothly on recent iOS versions or devices (>= X).

For the time being, we only installed the plugin “as is” and didn’t change any code. The app runs without any noticable change.

Are we on the right track?

Thanks in advance!