Looking For Ionic Developer for Marketplace App

We are Looking Ionic Developer For our Marketplace App.
Design and Web Servise are ready, you can easily control design at link. https://projects.invisionapp.com/share/9G5B6X7WN#/screens
Contact me with your rate and past projects/referrals.

BR Sabri

Hello @sabrican

I am interested in working with you.

You can add me on skype: robert.cisin


Hi Sabri,

We are interested on your project. please share your details to info@optisolbusiness.com


hi sabrican,
I am interested hard work with you on this job.
please share your App requirement & details at globalstar93@gmail.com
i will provide you my experience and portfolio…


We are certified Mobile app developer and we have done multiple apps using IONIC framework.Please feel free to see our intro video below;

We have also handled multiple tech talks on IONIC framework. Below is one of them for your reference

Below are some of our IONIC apps in AppStore

https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/food-cowboy/id912380905?mt=8 ( Food Cowboy iOS app) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.perfomatix.foodCowboy (Food Cowboy https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.serv.platformapp (SERV iOS app) https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/serv-connect/id918367229?mt=8 (SERV Android https://itunes.apple.com/sg/app/the-green-book-directory/id479812355?mt=8 (GreenBook iOS app) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.thegreenbook.TheGreenBook&hl=en


Hi @sabrican

Please let me know if you are still looking for Ionic developer. I am interested in working with you on this project. Please provide me more details about this project. My skype is manish.osuniverse or email sales@opensourcetechnologies.com

I have very good experience in front-end and released 3 themes in ionic http://market.ionic.io/user/1532262 and done more than 5 projects in Ionic platform.

You can have a look at some of my previous works:

Reviews Plus (We have created it from Scratch)

GuavaPass (Client has hired for taking our consulting. In this we have done the code review of specific section and fixed complex code)

https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/guavapass-one-pass-fitness/id1050491044?mt=8 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.guavapass.fitness&hl=en


Hi @sabrican,

I am interested to work with you.I will share with you my work samples and screens. Feel free to contact me on ionicsan46@gmail.com
