Lock orientation only on iPhone but not on iPad?

It is possible to lock the app orientation permanently by editing the config.xml for iOS devices.
That doesnt seem to work if I want to set iPad and iPhone to behave differently.
Can I do it separately in the app by using function platform.is?

if (this.platform.is('ipad')) {
      // do not lock orientation

if (this.platform.is('iphone')) {
      // lock orientation

You can’t lock the screen orientation for specific devices in the config.xml. You’ll have to do it in the app.ts/js file. Here a TypeScript example:

platform.ready().then(() => {
if (platform.is('ipad')) {
      } else if (platform.is('iphone')) {
      } else if (platform.is('android')) {
      } else {

Actually you can lock screen orientation for your iOS app in config.xml. Use this plugin:

And add the following to the <platform name=“ios”> section of your config.xml:

<config-file parent=“UISupportedInterfaceOrientations” platform=“ios” target="-Info.plist">
<config-file parent=“UISupportedInterfaceOrientations~ipad” platform=“ios” target="

hi is this screen.lockOrientation an ionic 2 function? cuz I didnt find it in the ionic2 nor the Angular 2 Doc.

Nope, it belongs to this plugin: