localStorage Freelance Job


I am looking for someone to help me integrate a Favorite feature to my app using localStorage and finishing up a few small other things on my Ionic app. Please let me know if you are interested in this freelance job and I will send you all the details.


Hervé Fulchiron

Hi Herve,
I could definitely help you out if you need some help building something with localstorage. Email me at chris.hale@me.com and we can talk about details.


Chris H.

For localStorage stuff you could use something like this:

A little bit old, but it works for my purposes.


I could help you out. But I am sure you get this done on your own, local storage is not that complicated: http://learn.ionicframework.com/formulas/localstorage/

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I know I could do this on my own, but I am currently very busy with other projects.

I need someone to finishing up a few things and very importantly to be able to optimize the app performance.



I will be happy to help you with this. You can also check my post [solved]Database in ionic, where I have explained how to integrate localStorage database with ionic app.



happy to help

depending on what your localstorage needs are better to use localforage

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