Local Network URL can´t be acessed when building App

No the error is the same…actually i don´t have no idea anymore

@twestrick you can try it by your own, it does not work for local urls. I get also a error object back.

I am not sure. As @julio-ionic mentioned above, your last screenshot shows https -

I am using androidScheme: 'http' with the network_security_config allowing clear text for my local dev backend API server without any issues. I also don’t use CapacitorHttp but just normal JS fetch / XMLHttpRequest. I would only use CapacitorHttp if a third party service library required it to get around CORS. Otherwise, if you control the backend server, just set the proper headers to allow CORS.

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hi dear , have you solved this error or not yet ? i you did , plz let me know how and thank you

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Iike the OP I have a json server on my local lan (only) which serves config info for the app running on the server. my Ionic Vue app is just a form filler, the data is insignificant, containing no PII.
the server runs http… never accessed via internet.

but I get this error on Android now (app was first built on Android as first ionic app in 2018)

Line 202 - Msg: Mixed Content: The page at 'https://localhost/Slides' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint ''.

the server will NEVER be https…
I have tried the network_security config

I was able to override this issue on ios.

I also modified the capacitor.config.json (not using ts) by adding

  ,"server": {
    "androidScheme": 'http'

ah, it gets overlayed as part of build… <----- the key
fixed my build script to add it back

don’t need the network_security config xml file