While startconfig is loading, home.ts continues and because of that current and type are always null. When my app is pushed to welcomepage the values are loaded. So my temporarily solutions is to check the values there again and push back to home.ts again, but that is not an very good solution.
basicly I need to wait on the startconfig to finish, but I dont know if and how.
Can somebody help me?
Thanks in advance
Hey @nathantaal Yes in fact I have written a solution to this problem - it is not exactly straightforward to solve! There are solutions to this of varying levels of complexity. I suspect most people do something similar to this:
And then you can subscribe to that same event and you know when the value is ready.
I have taken this one step further (ok well - several steps further) and I have built a decorator function that you simply attach to your class variables:
@IonicStorage() someVar: string;
The class comes with its own event service that you then subscribe to (there is a reason for this), and in that event you can do whatever you need to do. The decorator itself uses Storage underneath, and therefore uses whatever storage medium you have selected - it doesn’t care about that part. The design of the decorator is very heavily based on ngx-store if you want to look at it.
I am in the process of converting this into a proper package, which is sadly much much more work than my simple in-app code. I can either share what I have or I will see if I can get this published tomorrow, I’ve been wanting to do so for ages because I see this type of question here more or less weekly.
I have some troubles understanding why you are doing an assign to this.configProvider and navCtr in the constructor, possibly overriding (or at least redoing) what the Direct Injection system is providing you in the constructor header definition (public configProvider:ConfigProvider, private navCtrl:NavController)
Secondly, I believe it is sound practice for your providers methods to always be returning a value. If it is a sync function, just the plain vanilla value. If it is async (like the startConfig()), a promise or an observable, which the caller handles.
That way, the navCtrl gets called with the appropriate value once the async is completed
Imho, you are trying to cover for async issues using sync patterns. Other people handle this through setTimeout, which again is a similar antipattern to solve async. But very creative.
The solution provided by @engineerapart may work, but in my view not necessarily the easiest way out. Nor making you aware how to deal with async.
The reason I made the decorator is because if you want to save more than 1 or 2 values in Storage, you have now polluted every single view - every single provider - with the boilerplate async code and after awhile it gets hard to read.
There’s no avoiding the fact that this process is asynchronous but there is a distinct reason that async/await were invented instead of saying “everyone should use Promises because you don’t want to cover up that it’s async!”
Sync patterns are much easier to reason about, and again, sure 1 or 2 times is fine but once you start doing this 6, 7, 15 times you will want the framework to help you manage it. Thus why I created the decorator. And it doesn’t at all avoid the fact that this is async - it simply allows your view to do 1 thing, and you listen for an event that tells you that the data you need is ready and do something useful with it.
Same code, but compartmentalized so that managing it is easier. In fact this pattern is by far the easiest way out - I no longer pay any attention to this issue in my apps.
In your example you have tightly bound: a) the source of the data, b) the fact that the data is stored async, and c) the navigation model of the view. If any ONE of those changes you now have to update that everywhere in your app. Instead, it is better to reason about the data itself, not how it is stored.
Hey, I’m a few years late to this discussion, but I wanted to reach out to you to see if you had published your decorator anywhere since I’d love to use it. I’m currently writing an Ionic app, and I’m having to deal with what another forum user called “callback hell.” Hell, indeed. I’ve had to deal with this before when writing Javascript, and I hate it since it results in many nested layers of callbacks, all just so I can read some storage values.
Thanks for chiming in. Between yesterday when I posted my comment and today I ended up fixing my core issues that were blocking development, so my former comment is mostly null and void now. I still don’t like the asynchronous nature of certain things like fetching from storage, but fortunately that kind of code is only a very small percentage of the whole codebase.
For what it’s worth, I’ve been mostly a server-side developer for most of the past 12 years, writing primarily in Java. With regard to Ionic, I was pleasantly surprised to find a familiar programming environment that allowed me use a lot of the best practices I’ve learned from the Java world. I ended up creating a client-side codebase that fits very well with the world I’m used to — delegated services, MVP, components, rich model objects, and the ability to break things out into separate units in an object-oriented way. As such, the client-side code feels quite similar to the server-side counterparts that it communicates with.