Load calender by API

hi guys i m new in ionic 2,
i hv created a calendar. now i want to load value in calendar by calling api

my API returns this type of value

        "strAttendanceDate": "31-Jul-2017",
        "SubjectID": 672,
        "Present": 197,
        "Absent": 100,
        "strAttendanceDate": "01-Aug-2017",
        "SubjectID": 672,
        "Present": 1,
       "Absent": 296



now i want to load present and absent value in calendar date wise

help me how to do load this in calendar
this is i how i created the calender

  <calendar [eventSource]="eventSource"

hello, do you know how to load the api data?

yes i know,
My Api returning a array like:

   {name: a, date: 3/02/2018},
   {name: a, date: 6/02/2018},
   {name: a, date: 8/02/2018},
   {name: a, date: 9/02/2018},
   {name: a, date: 10/02/2018},

i want to mark these date on calender

Could you teach me how to do it? thank you.