List with button and checkbox in same line

I’m trying to have a ion-list with button and checkbox or radio at the end of the line.
That’s my code without checkbox/radio:

<button ion-item (click)="editItem(i, item)">
    <ion-avatar item-start>
        <img [src]="" />

It works and I can show any information about Item object.
If I add checkbox or radio my info disappear and the button click don’t work (always checkbox change event trigger).

<button ion-item (click)="editItem(i, item)">
    <ion-avatar item-start>
        <img [src]="" />
    <ion-checkbox (ionChange)="fireEvent(i, $event)"></ion-checkbox>

It seems to be a problem of CSS but It’s very strange.
Is it possible to set a button + checkbox in same row ?