List item horizontal padding

Hey guys,

I wonder if the horizontal padding that’s applied to <ion-item> is done on purpose. There’s a padding on the left side, but not on the right, which makes especially forms bad-looking, because things do not look properly aligned.

Before I tweak the styles myself, I’d rather know how it’s intended to be used. See the following image as an example, where the padding can be seen by the lines below the inputs.


if that’s an input box, then that is not the styles for the ion-item but for the input. In ios and windows these are all different.

They change color depending on the values imported.

Hello fishgrind. The color is not the issue, and yes you are right, it’s the list’s style.

I checked it against various other apps, and especially the system settings lists, and none of them show Ionic’s behavior/style. Instead the lines have a padding left AND Right.

See the following comparison, the Ionic list style just doesn’t look right:

Ionic Android: (padding left, no padding right)

Stock Android: (padding left, padding right)

Also tried with <ion-list inset>, which looks much better, but has a problem with .item-select it seems: