LiDAR Sensor support in Ionic


I wanted to know if LiDAR Sensor support is provided by Ionic Framework. If yes, could you please share the reference.

You probably mean Capacitor. Pretty much anything is possible since you can jump down to the native layer when needed in Capacitor. What it comes down to is what type of communication is required by the LiDAR sensor whether or not you’ll need something custom or not.

Capawesome recently posted this blog about connecting to a heart rate monitor via Bluetooth as an example - How to Build a Heart Rate Monitor with Capacitor - Capawesome

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I am building an app for car infotainment. So, the type of communication I am looking for example is :

  1. Detect Obstruction
  2. Detect pedestrian and other vehicles

By communication I meant how you can connect to the LiDAR sensor in order to pull the data from it - Bluetooth, WiFi, etc. If the sensor is able to connect to an Android or iPhone, then you should be able to talk to it via a Capacitor app via custom native code or if it supports Bluetooth, a Bluetooth Capacitor plugin.

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Thanks for the reply. So, you meant if the sensor can connect to the phone, it will in turn communicate to capacitor and another way to communicate is via Bluetooth/WiFi. I will try this way and if I have further queries I will get back.
Once again thank you.