Hey everyone
I created a vue project with capacitor installed when I run the
npx cap run android
everything is fine but when I run
npx cap build android
it throws this error :
[error] Missing options. Please supply all options for android signing. (Keystore Path, Keystore Password, Keystore Key
Alias, Keystore Key Password)
this is my capacitor.config.ts ( I have typescript added to the project) :
import type { CapacitorConfig } from '@capacitor/cli'
const config: CapacitorConfig = {
appId: 'ghabe.andishe.payesh.app',
appName: 'Payesh',
webDir: 'dist',
android: {
signing: {
keystorePath: './payesh.keystore',
keystorePassword: '******',
keyAlias: 'payesh-app',
keyPassword: '******',
export default config
What seems to be the problem ?
I searched the docs but couldnt find anything related to the keystore when building the app