i have a list inside an ion content with scrollbar y false,
opening the keyboard hides the input,
i tried to show/hide a dummy element with the keyboard height i get from the plugin and scroll the same amount of pixels down, $(window).scrollTop() always returns 0 and so it doesnt work
what else can i do? or is my scrollTop simply wrong?
android btw ionic beta 6 and i guess my layout is somehow broken:
theres a 2nd problem ill also ask here, maybe ill create another thread for that
the ion-content scrollbar element does not scroll properly on my nexus 4, its “too flat”, not the typical touch-scrolling im used to (scroll outside the box, remove the finger and it pans back in place etc) this does work on my mac in chrome dev tools and it does not work with chrome on ubuntu
any ideas for that as well?