Hey guys, I am trying to use this plugin https://github.com/katzer/cordova-plugin-local-notifications for local notifications in my Ionic 1 app.
However after following this tutorial https://devdactic.com/local-notifications-ionic/ on the Ionic View app on both android and iOS, It seems the plugin is not working. Nothing appears as I press the buttons. I have tried switching $cordovaLocalNotification with cordova.plugins.notification.local. when using the functions provided by the plugin but its not working.
any idea about what to do?
EDIT: It seems that the plugin wasn’t working because it is not one of the supported plugins by Ionic as mentioned by Sujan12. I tested the app on an android by running ‘ionic run android -l -c’ (as suggested by vahid najafi on StackOverflow) and the local notifications seem to work. For further reference please refer to: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/43445667/ionic-1-local-notification-not-working-in-ionic-view-app/43445825?noredirect=1#comment73953954_43445825