Issues launching browser window from Ionic View and from Android

Environment information:
Ionic 2 (2.0.0-rc.4)
Android (6.0.1)

Code snippet:
//let browser = new InAppBrowser(data.text, ‘_system’);

Applicable npm package versions:

ionic-angular 2.0.0-rc.4
ionic-native 2.2.13
ionicons 3.0.0

Scenario 1: APK deployed to device
default browser on device: Chrome
using InAppBrowser with target set to _system
Result: Application crashes

Scenario 2: APK deployed to device
default browser on device: Chrome with target set to _system
Result: Everything works as expected

Scenario 3: using Ionic View
default browser on device: Chrome
using InAppBrowser with target set to _system
Result: No crash but browser does not open

Scenario 4: using Ionic View
default browser on device: Chrome with target set to _system
Android: No crash but browser does not open

Additional information:
I do understand that InAppBrowser is not in the supported list of plugins for Ionic View but I do find it rather strange that iOS works as expected with both InAppBrowser and and Android does not work under either scenario when using Ionic View.

At the same time, when the apk is deployed to the device, and using _system as the target; I would expect that the app would not crash

I have gone as far as to set up the whitelist plugin allowing navigation to all urls from the application but this does not change anything.

Any help is greatly appreciated