Issue in Firebase push notification in ios

HI ,
I am using Firebase for push notification in my ionic3 app. It is working fine in android now but i am getting such issues/warning in ios :-

1.Add “FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled” to your Info.plist and set it to NO.

  1. FIRInstanceID AppDelegate proxy enabled, will swizzle app delegate remote notification handlers. To disable add “FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled” to your Info.plist and set it to NO

  2. <FIRInstanceID/WARNING> Failed to fetch APNS token Error Domain=com.firebase.iid Code=1001 “(null)”

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still no response.
Waiting for any help

Did you do this as well as follow the other suggestions?

how to deal with that . I think in platform -> ios -> appnameInfo.plist we have to write it

I am able to send push notification from firebase console but app is not launching showing same warning and error .