Issue android backbutton fire

Hi. I have a problem about android backbutton. backbutton works normally, if I don’t step in that. I wrote a code like below:

 var backButtonPressCount = 0;
    $ionicPlatform.registerBackButtonAction(function () {
        if ($ == "home") {
            if (backButtonPressCount == 0) {
                $cordovaToast.showShortBottom('Please click again for exit.');
                $timeout(function () { backButtonPressCount = 0; }, 5000);
            } else {
        } else {
          //  $timeout(function () {
          //  }, 50);
    }, 100);

If app state is home, it quit application when double click of bckbutton. It works ok. But goback part does not work. Why can it work?
Thanks in advance.

JS variables are case sensitive. Change it to $ionicHistory.goBack(); and make sure that $ionicHistory is properly injected.

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Thank you for answer. It worked