Is this the best approach for a PWA?


I want to make a web version of my App too. But I don’t like that evertyhing looks so expanded when my App is in website mode:

This is just a grid:

    <ion-row text-center>
      <ion-col col-6>
        <button ion-button color="secondary">Secondary</button>
      <ion-col col-6>
        <button ion-button color="secondary">Secondary</button>

So I thought about creating styles for each a web version and a mobil version. Such as this:

page-home {
  .mobile {
    .toolbar-background-md {
      background: yellow !important;
    p {
      background-color: yellow;

  .web {
    ion-grid {
      max-width: 50%;
    .toolbar-background-md {
      background: blue !important;
    p {
      background-color: blue;

And then check in my html which platform I am in in ion-content like this:

<ion-content []="'android') ||'ios')"
  [class.web]="'mobileweb') ||'core')">

In this way, in a browser, it looks in a way which I prefer than the earlier picture:

So my question is: is this a good approach or a terrible one? Is there anything better that I could do?


Use media query,

page-home {
  @media (max-width: 576px) {
    //your css

  @media (max-width: 820px) {
    //your css

  @media (min-width: 820px) {
    //your css
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