Is there any difference in what the expression provided for ng-if and ng-show should be?

I have an application running with Angular now I am having some issues with the ng-show/hide and ng-if/switch, the second case actually works properly, but I ask my self: why I am using ng-if/switch when everyone uses ng-show/hide to display/hide content?

here is my code:

    $scope.displayStraight = true;
    $scope.displayParlayRobin = true;
    $scope.displayParlayIfBet = true;
    $scope.displayParlayTeaser = true;
    $scope.showBetType = function(betType) {
      $scope.displayStraight = false;
      $scope.displayParlayRobin = false;
      $scope.displayParlayIfBet = false;
      $scope.displayParlayTeaser = false;
      $timeout(function() {
        $scope[betType] = true;
      }, 150);

and here is some of the content in my HTML:


    <div ng-hide="betSlip.length">
        No picks yet


    <div ng-if="displayStraight">
         Straight Bet


     <ion-list ng-if="displayStraight">

I had this last one this way and wasn’t working as expected:

    <div ng-show="betSlip.length >= 1">

now I change it to:

    <div ng-if="betSlip.length >= 1">

and it works properly, so, what am I doing wrong with the ng-show/hide ? is there any issues with the performance by using ng-if/switch ? what do you recommend ?