Is making a div text selectable an impossible task with ionic?

Hi I am a new ionic user and I successfully implemented an app with ionic. Great! My app lists search results in a div and the user should be able to select the result texts so that he/she can copy and use it elsewhere. After searching the internet and also the forum no solution seems to work for me to make a text selectable and show the standard copy/paste buttons. Is this an impossible task to do with ionic or is there a workaround I have not yet found?

Btw, I am now testing my app on android.

Did you get any solution to that ? Iā€™m trying to do same thing on android using ionic inside an ion-item but not able to find any solution.


  • Tushar

Yes I have. I used the answer given here but instead of the following CSS:

I use this:

* {
-webkit-user-select: auto !important;
-moz-user-select: auto !important;
-ms-user-select: auto !important;
user-select: auto !important;


Thanks @temari for your reply.
I will give it a try.