iPhone X Navbar Position

How can I move the purple bar down? There is a title I was to display right in the center - it’s currently barely visible in white text.



Already tried:

I’m just missing one information, which ionic-angular version are you using? Could you print out your ionic info results? I guess it need ionic-angular >= 3.7

Also how does your page looks like, do you have a ion-header in your page? If not, try with even an empty one <ion-header></ion-header>

ionic info


title bar in app.html

Looks good on browser & Android emulator - but not in iPhone X emulator

Update to the latest version of ionic-angular (3.9.2).
Version 3.8.0 introduced more iPhone X compatibility
–> https://github.com/ionic-team/ionic/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md

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I was about to say to same things, thx. Exactly, you have to upgrade ionic-angular.

Pay attention to the changelog, you will have to upgrade angular itself too.

But no worries to have, not a difficult update

hmmm, still getting the same result after updating… am I missing something? @MattE @reedrichards



  1. maybe trying to ionic remove/add platform ios again? maybe a plugin wasn’t copied correctly…

  2. I’ve got cordova-plugin-statusbar 2.4.1 not 2.4.2-dev…did something broke in this dev version?

Oh wait…something else. You said you have an ion-header … in your app.html, I just notice that now. Would you try to remove it from there and add it in your pages?

I’ve got ion-header in my pages

@reedrichards Well, actually, I just have 1 page - it’s just app.html - I don’t have any additional pages… (nothing in the pages folder).

I made this app by just adding to Ionic’s side menu template (CLI command: ionic start MyIonicProject sidemenu). It seems to be spaced properly there - so I’ll compare my code…

I’m facing a similar issue, upgraded my app from previous versions. Now on latest ionic-angular and followed all the iphone X checklists but it still insists on using the safe space. If you find a solution before I get a chance to deep dive on it can you please post?

Could you show the content of your app.html?

<!-- THE HOMEPAGE  -->

  <!-- The <ion-navbar> is a template for the navigation bar on this page. As we navigate to this page, the button and title of the navigation bar transition in as part of the page transition. -->
 <!--  <ion-navbar style="height: 90px"> -->
<!--     <ion-title style = "position: relative; top: 20px" >MyWestern</ion-title> -->

<!-- <ion-content class="menu-content"> -->
    <!-- this is just determining if the info inside the sidebar is ready to view -->
    <ion-list *ngIf="sidebarInfoReadyToView">
      <!-- makes the buttons - go through all pages, when click, open the page - display the page title as the label -->
      <!-- event binding - when we click, run the enableThisMenu function - passing in the bigCategory we clicked on -->
      <!-- this will figure out what you clicked on - we can't have to write this explicitly -->
      <ion-item ion-item *ngFor="let element of bigCategoriesArray" (click)="expandBigCategory(element)">
          <i class= {{element.font_awesome}} style="color: #ffcc00"></i>
            &nbsp;  &nbsp;
          <!-- bigCategory name  -->
        <!-- if the bigCategory is expanded -->
        <div *ngIf="element.isExpanded" >
          <!-- ***** WHAT TO DO WHEN WE CLICK A SMALL CATEGORY ******* -->
          <ion-item menuClose ion-item *ngFor="let element of element.relatedSmallCategories" (click)="openUrl(element.url)">
            <!-- smallCategory name -->
            <label> {{element.name}} </label>
<!--   </ion-content> -->


Thx. So like I said, could you try using ion-header?

I think the bar we only got the right size if you use

<!-- THE HOMEPAGE  -->

  <!-- The <ion-navbar> is a template for the navigation bar on this page. As we navigate to this page, the button and title of the navigation bar transition in as part of the page transition. -->
 <!--  <ion-navbar style="height: 90px"> -->

<!--     <ion-title style = "position: relative; top: 20px" >MyWestern</ion-title> -->

<ion-content padding> 
<!-- <ion-content class="menu-content"> -->
    <!-- this is just determining if the info inside the sidebar is ready to view -->
    <ion-list *ngIf="sidebarInfoReadyToView">
      <!-- makes the buttons - go through all pages, when click, open the page - display the page title as the label -->
      <!-- event binding - when we click, run the enableThisMenu function - passing in the bigCategory we clicked on -->
      <!-- this will figure out what you clicked on - we can't have to write this explicitly -->
      <ion-item ion-item *ngFor="let element of bigCategoriesArray" (click)="expandBigCategory(element)">
          <i class= {{element.font_awesome}} style="color: #ffcc00"></i>
            &nbsp;  &nbsp;
          <!-- bigCategory name  -->
        <!-- if the bigCategory is expanded -->
        <div *ngIf="element.isExpanded" >
          <!-- ***** WHAT TO DO WHEN WE CLICK A SMALL CATEGORY ******* -->
          <ion-item menuClose ion-item *ngFor="let element of element.relatedSmallCategories" (click)="openUrl(element.url)">
            <!-- smallCategory name -->
            <label> {{element.name}} </label>

I still get the same problem when using this… Also, I tried deleting everything in app.html and directly replacing it with Ionic’s home.html (as part of the tutorial - the tutorial does actually look correct on the simulator) - but for me, it didn’t show up correctly. I think the problem might be elsewhere besides the HTML.

@hagan10 :frowning:

I think we reached the limit of my know-how sorry, I don’t have more idea, sorry

Success! I transferred my code into Ionic’s starter template: instead of having my code in the “app” folder, I moved it to a page in the “pages” folder. Now it seems to work perfectly! Thanks for your help! @reedrichards @beck24 @MattE

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I also got mine working, but there was no code moving necessary. The unmentioned step is that you need to re-run ionic cordova resources to generate a new size of splash screen for iphone X. Without that new image, the app will always render in the safe space.

@hagan10 awesome, congrats!