Ipa file app

Hi forum please help me wih something

once I have created the ipa file of my app I dont wanna submit on app store I only want to install on my iphone such a simple file like apk on android so my question is possible to only donwload an .ipa app without sbmited on app store ? please help me

This is only possible for devices that you add to your profile as allowed devices at the Apple Developer portal. You then generate certificates and provisioning profiles that include these devices (via UUID) and then whne you build the development version of your app, it can be installed on these devices.

ok thanks sujan for your answer now is there a free apple developer account like for students or is there a way to submit your apps on apple store for free or a period of time?

No, unfortunately there is not.

sujan could you provide me the steps please from how to submit my app to apple developer and how to build my developed app version and about cost 99 dollars is the price you only have to pay to submit your app on app store?

The steps are detailed like a million times on the web. Please use Google.

No, that’s to open the account.

(That said, I am not 100% sure that there is not a way to do this without paying. Just try it.)

Hello @carivadeneira, if you want just test your apps, use http://view.ionic.io/. Here have a list of supported native features from IonicView https://docs.ionic.io/tools/view/.
Also if you just want to test your app in your IPhone/Ipad, just plug it in your Mac and choose in Xcode your real device option.
Apple Developer license is needed to publish your app in to AppStore or distribute to test in many device through TestFlight.
Below from “Device” title have a list of real devices plugged in mac, just select click in a “play button”


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I’ve just done this myself the last few days and it wasn’t that difficult. You need to add your apple id to xcode. I used the following page which gives a step by step guide (site appears to be down Sat afternoon)


Google Cache to the rescue: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fionichelper.forlearning.net%2Fionic-2-going-to-app-store%2F&rlz=1CAHPZY_enDE742DE742&oq=cache%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fionichelper.forlearning.net%2Fionic-2-going-to-app-store%2F&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i58.2205j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8