iOS In App Browser

Hello All,

I’ve implemented the InAppBrowser to open the url of a web, but the iOS app is navigating to the native safari browser. I want to open the webview inside the app. I’ve successfully done this in Android, working perfectly in Android.

What to do for iOS?

Any help?



I am having the same problem!

just use in app b browser

  1. template
 <button menuClose ion-item (click)="linkTo('link to website')">
       Some menu Item
  1. component
    linkTo(url) {
        const browser = this.iab.create(url, '_blank', "location=true");

The link is opened in app always, not in native broser.

I’ve used this brother, but my question is its working properly on Android.

Have you tried this on iOS ? its opening the link in safari not inside the app.

What to do for iOS?

Any help?


Yes. I am using it on Android and on iOS too. On both, links are opened in app, not in system browser (safari, chrome).

Im having problem on iOS, its opening on native browser safari :frowning:

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Do you have properly installed the plugin? Any errors in console log?

yes, I’ll try to give it a shot later :slight_smile:
Thanks for reminding this.

also have a problem with iOS, no errors in console logs
Anyone found a solution for this ?

EDIT actually, changing target from _self -> _blank solved it, but there is no “X” to exit, there’s a “Done” at the bottom