iOS: How to add button on KeyboardAccessoryBar

I’m using bellow html to render select tag

<label class="item item-input item-select " ng-class="selectstatusbar()">
    <select ng-options="candidateStatus as for candidateStatus in candidateCrrStatus"
            ng-change="changeValue(selectStatus)" class="status-item-select" ng-model="selectStatus">

I’ve also set the following in app.js

As a result, I see ‘Done’ button on accessory bar. I need to add ‘Cancel’ button as well, which should just close keyboard. How do I do that?

If adding button in not possible, how do I close the keyboard? Tapping outside the keyboard area results in tap action on the background list view and it takes me to detail view of the item tapped.image

Did you solve this? I am having the same problem :slight_smile: