Ios can't connect to server with --device flag

cross post. So the problem is that:
$ ionic cordova prepare ios

$ ionic cordova run ios -l --external

the ios device will connect to the server, however,

$ ionic cordova prepare ios

$ ionic cordova run ios --device

it fails with the error Failed to load resource: A server with the specified hostname could not be found I’ve been reading a lot of the other posts but none of them has solved it for me:

$ ionic cordova prepare ios

$ ionic cordova build ios

$ ionic cordova run ios --device

same error. Launching it from xcode has the same issue. I have been working on this for 2 days now and suicide at this point doesn’t seem like a bad option. god I hate ios.

so it’s unable to connect only following a build to the device

WOW i feel the same, I created abut 10k new apps and all the time the same thing.

:zap: WebView failed provisional navigation

:zap: Error: Could not connect to the server.

i will invest the rest of my life explaining to people why NOT to use IONIC