iOS 7 keyboard behavior

I’m trying to open the keyboard before showing a popup.
Here’s a sample code:;
    $scope.Popup = ${
      templateUrl: baseUrl + 'templates/popup.tpl.html',
      scope: $scope,

I’m using the cordova keyboard and there’s a different behavior at iOS 7 and iOS 8. With iOS 7 the keyboard won’t open (at least most of the time it won’t) and at iOS8 it works just fine.

I would like to know if it’s a known issue or if there’s a fix for that?

Could you try this :

$timeout(function() {
if(window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins.Keyboard) {;
}, 150);

Huh, since when is the show() function supported on iOS?
Which plugin are we talking about?

Ok, forget it for iOS (I use com.ionic.keyboard)

BTW you call the open() method in your code…
And why the keyboard should open ? There’s an input in your popup ? Does it receive the focus correctly ?

Yea I have a textarea at the template which received focus correctly. I’m still wondering what could cause that different behavior with the keyboard at different os versions.