iOS 11 beta 9 with ionic 1 white bar issue

Just noticed this thread. I posted this in another IphoneX thread, but moved it here, as this is a v1 thread. I am patching up a v1 app to work properly on X and ensure its not broken on legacy platforms. I’m almost there but not quite. My problem is not with IOS11, but with iPhone X. So I supposed my issue maps to both the iPhone X and this v1 thread in parts…

What I’ve done so far:

  • Created a single large image (2732x2732) and replaced my legacy splash images with a single one (see here)

  • Modified index.html to have the correct viewport-fit=cover directive (see here)

  • I added padding-top: constant(safe-area-inset-top); to my body CSS. (see here) - not sure if this really made a difference, though

  • patched cordova-plugin-statusbar with @mhartington’s open PR

  • I am using UI-Webview, not WK

  • My app.js initializes the status bar with

StatusBar.backgroundColorByHexString("#2980b9"); // the blue color 

This is what I see:

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