IonTabs must contain an IonRouterOutlet

Hey, Im having a weird issue with IonTabs.

First of all, this is my related code:

const Menu = props => {
        <TabRouters />

Inside the component is a

export const TabRouters = props => {

This actually throws this error:

Error: IonTabs must contain an IonRouterOutlet

But when I paste whats returned in the component directly into the component, it works.
This must be a bug, which really confuses me. I’d really like to have the <IonRouterOutlet in a seperate component.

I am very new at Ionic, so maybe I am doing something wrong, I dont see…

Im grateful for any help!

I strongly urge individuals who are starting out with ionic to use the templates/starter apps that are generated by the CLI to get started and better understand the UI components.

Also not quite sure what you are trying to accomplish? You have Tabs in a menu?

Also not quite sure what you are trying to accomplish? You have Tabs in a menu?

I have a component called where the tab navigation is inside…

So you dont get my problem? Should I try to explain it further?

Sorry to pick this up nearly two years later, but im getting this error after removing the ion-router-outlet because I have it in my App.vue file, and im basically getting two pages of everything, so I have two ID’s - which I can’t have - I need to append an item and it will pick the first ID which is hidden…

This is a thread in the React forum, not the Vue forum, so it would be better to make a new post that shows your code in the Vue forum.