I’m developing a view that need call multiples methods of a webservice every time the view is opened, should i use $scope.$on(’$ionicView.enter’, function(){…}) or cache:false ? What is the real difference between each one ?
Cheers, Felipe
I’m developing a view that need call multiples methods of a webservice every time the view is opened, should i use $scope.$on(’$ionicView.enter’, function(){…}) or cache:false ? What is the real difference between each one ?
Cheers, Felipe
if viewCaching is active and your view is cached the controller is not executed again. Cached means:
If you are not caching the view your controller will be executed again everytime.
Hi bentler, your answer isn’t exactly what i was looking for, but it still useful, thanks.
I asked this same question in StackOverflow and i got really nice answers
oh okay sorry then i did not understand you correctly.