Yup! I’ll paste my app.js and controller below. (thanks!)
Here’s my app.js:
// Ionic Starter App
// angular.module is a global place for creating, registering and retrieving Angular modules
// 'App' is the name of this angular module example (also set in a <body> attribute in index.html)
// the 2nd parameter is an array of 'requires'
angular.module('App', [
.config(['uiGmapGoogleMapApiProvider', function(uiGmapGoogleMapApiProvider) {
key: '******',
v: '3.23', //defaults to latest 3.X anyhow
libraries: 'weather,geometry,places'
.config(function($ionicCloudProvider) {
"core": {
"app_id": "****"
function($ionicPlatform, $sqliteService, $injector ) {
$ionicPlatform.ready(function() {
if (window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins.Keyboard) {
// Hide the accessory bar by default (remove this to show the accessory bar above the keyboard
// for form inputs)
// Don't remove this line unless you know what you are doing. It stops the viewport
// from snapping when text inputs are focused. Ionic handles this internally for
// a much nicer keyboard experience.
if (window.StatusBar) {
//Load the Pre-populated database, debug = true
// Load the Stripe Module
var Environment = $injector.get('Environment');
function($ionicPlatform, $ionicPopup) {
// Disable BACK button on home
$ionicPlatform.registerBackButtonAction(function(event) {
if (true) { // your check here
title: 'System warning',
template: 'are you sure you want to exit?'
}).then(function(res) {
if (res) {
}, 100);
// Moved deploy code to appStartController
//.run(['$ionicPopup','$ionicDeploy', '$log', function( $ionicPopup, $ionicDeploy, $log ) {
// $ionicDeploy.check().then( function( updateAvailable ) {
// var originalSnapshots = [];
// var originalInfo;
// alert( 'run...1' );
// $ionicDeploy.getSnapshots().then(function(snapshots) {
// // snapshots will be an array of snapshot uuids
// alert( 'run...inside snapshots' );
// originalSnapshots = snapshots;
// $log.log( 'RUN deploy: snapshots',snapshots );
// });
// alert( 'run...before info' );
// $ionicDeploy.info().then(function( info ) {
// alert( 'run...after info deploy' );
// $log.log( 'RUN info:', info );
// });
// alert( 'run...update available', updateAvailable );
// if (updateAvailable) {
// $ionicDeploy.download().then(function() {
// $ionicDeploy.extract().then(function() {
// $ionicDeploy.unwatch();
// //$ionicDeploy.getMetadata().then(function(metadata) {});
// $ionicPopup.show({
// title: 'Update available',
// subTitle: 'An update was just downloaded. Would you like to restart your app to use the latest features?',
// buttons: [
// { text: 'Not now' },
// {
// text: 'Restart',
// onTap: function(e) {
// $ionicDeploy.load();
// }
// }
// ]
// });
// });
// });
// }
// });
// }
.config(['$httpProvider', function($httpProvider) {
return $httpProvider.interceptors.push("AuthInterceptor");
// .config(['$compileProvider', function($compileProvider) {
// $compileProvider.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist(/^\s*(https?|file|tel|coui):/);
// }])
function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $ionicConfigProvider, $compileProvider) {
// app loading
.state('app-start', {
url: "/app-start",
templateUrl: "templates/app-start.html",
controller: 'AppStartCtrl'
// login screen
.state('auth', {
url: "/auth",
templateUrl: "templates/auth.html",
controller: 'AuthCtrl'
// forgot password screen
.state('forgot-password', {
url: '/forgot-password',
templateUrl: 'templates/auth_forgot-password.html',
controller: 'AuthCtrl'
// register screen
.state('register', {
url: '/register',
templateUrl: 'templates/auth_register.html',
controller: 'AuthCtrl'
//Hauul State
.state('hauul', {
url: '/hauul',
abstract: true,
controller: 'ionSideMenuCtrl',
templateUrl: 'templates/hauul/menu.html'
// .state('hauul.home-old', {
// //cache: false,
// url: '/home',
// templateUrl: 'templates/hauul/home.html',
// controller: 'HomeCtrl'
// })
.state('hauul.home', {
//cache: false,
url: '/home',
templateUrl: 'templates/hauul/main-map.html',
controller: 'MainMapCtrl'
// Search for a place/ NEW dropoff Location
.state('hauul.places', {
url: '/places',
templateUrl: 'templates/hauul/places.html',
controller: 'PlacesCtrl'
// update dropoff location
.state('hauul.places-update-dropoff', {
url: '/places-update-dropoff/:previous_state',
templateUrl: 'templates/hauul/places.html',
controller: 'UpdateDropoffCtrl'
.state('hauul.places-modal', {
url: '/places-modal',
templateUrl: 'templates/hauul/modals/places-modal.html',
controller: 'PlacesModalCtrl'
// 2017-05-29: Universal Location Picker
.state('hauul.location-picker', {
url: '/location-picker/:role',
templateUrl: 'templates/hauul/location-picker.html',
controller: 'LocationPickerCtrl'
// Update uses same view template, but new controller, that sends update to rails, instead of just storing it locally.
.state('hauul.location-picker-update', {
url: '/location-picker-update/:role',
templateUrl: 'templates/hauul/location-picker-update.html',
controller: 'LocationPickerUpdateCtrl'
// Choose booking photos
.state('hauul.attach_photo', {
url: '/attach-photo',
templateUrl: 'templates/hauul/attach-photo.html',
controller: 'AttachPhotoCtrl'
// Add Booking Info
.state('hauul.add_description', {
url: '/add-description',
templateUrl: 'templates/hauul/add-description.html',
controller: 'AddDescriptionCtrl'
// Choose payment method
.state('hauul.payment_method', {
url: '/payment-method',
templateUrl: 'templates/hauul/payment-method.html',
controller: 'PaymentMethodCtrl'
// Add Payment method
.state('hauul.payment_method_add', {
url: '/payment_method_add',
templateUrl: 'templates/hauul/payment-method-add.html',
controller: 'PaymentMethodAddCtrl'
// Find a driver
.state('hauul.finding', {
url: '/finding',
templateUrl: 'templates/hauul/finding.html',
controller: 'FindingCtrl'
// Show driver profile
.state('hauul.driver', {
url: '/driver',
templateUrl: 'templates/hauul/driver.html',
controller: 'DriverCtrl'
// Tracking driver position
.state('hauul.tracking', {
url: '/tracking',
templateUrl: 'templates/hauul/tracking.html',
controller: 'TrackingCtrl'
// Show history
.state('hauul.history', {
url: '/history&page=:page',
templateUrl: 'templates/hauul/history-list.html',
controller: 'HistoryListCtrl'
.state('hauul.history_trip_id', {
url: '/history/page=:page/trip_id=:trip_id',
templateUrl: 'templates/hauul/history.html',
controller: 'HistoryCtrl'
// Show notifications
.state('hauul.notification', {
url: '/notification',
templateUrl: 'templates/hauul/notification.html',
controller: 'NotificationCtrl'
// Support form
.state('hauul.support', {
url: '/support',
templateUrl: 'templates/hauul/support.html',
controller: 'SupportCtrl'
// Profile page
.state('hauul.profile', {
url: '/profile',
templateUrl: 'templates/hauul/profile.html',
controller: 'ProfileCtrl'
// Legal page
.state('hauul.legal', {
url: '/legal',
templateUrl: 'templates/hauul/legal.html',
controller: 'LegalCtrl'
// template app states:
.state('app', {
url: '/app',
abstract: true,
controller: 'AppController',
templateUrl: 'templates/menu.html'
.state('app.gallery', {
url: "/gallery",
cache: false,
views: {
viewContent: {
templateUrl: "templates/gallery.html",
controller: 'GalleryController'
.state('app.item', {
url: "/item/{title}",
params: {
color: null,
icon: null
cache: false,
views: {
viewContent: {
templateUrl: "templates/item.html",
controller: 'ItemController'
$urlRouterProvider.otherwise(function($injector, $location) {
var $state = $injector.get("$state");
And here’s the controller:
(function() {
var AppStartCtrl = function ($scope, $log, $state, $ionicHistory, $ionicPopup, $ionicDeploy ) {
$log.log( "AppStartCtrl: Initialized..." );
$ionicDeploy.check().then(function (snapshotAvailable) {
if (snapshotAvailable) {
// When snapshotAvailable is true, you can apply the snapshot
$ionicDeploy.download().then(function () {
console.log( "deploy extracting..." );
return $ionicDeploy.extract();
}).then(function () {
console.log( "deploy.load()..." );
title: 'Update available',
subTitle: 'An update was just downloaded. New features will be available when you restart the app.',
buttons: [
{ text: 'Not now' },
text: 'Restart',
onTap: function(e) {
} else {
// No updates found, delete old snapshots now
$ionicDeploy.info().then(function (info) {
$ionicDeploy.getSnapshots().then(function (snapshots) {
// snapshots will be an array of snapshot uuids
angular.forEach(snapshots, function (value, key) {
if (value !== undefined && value !== info.deploy_uuid) {
console.log("Deleting snapshot", value);
// You app logic starts here, in my case it's just loading the "login" state
AppStartCtrl.$inject = ['$scope', '$log', '$state', '$ionicHistory', '$ionicPopup','$ionicDeploy' ];
.controller( 'AppStartCtrl', AppStartCtrl);