So I am trying to make an action sheet that creates buttons from a list of firebase entries. However, the code below returns the error: Error: scope.buttons is undefined
$scope.actionSheet = function() { console.log($scope.buttonList); ${ buttons: $scope.buttons, titleText: 'Select a Child...', cancelText: 'Cancel', cancel: function() { // add cancel code.. }, buttonClicked: function(index) { var id = buttonList[index].id; $scope.currentChild = id; return true; } }); };(this function is run by an ng-click in a controller).
$user.profile.$loaded().then(function() { for (var item in $user.profile.child) { console.log(item); var newText = baseIt(item); $scope.buttons.push(newText); console.log($scope.buttons); } });
If anyone has any better, working way of doing this, please let me know!