Ionic6 ,On some Android phones, in the browser, open the page, click on the time in the on ion-datetime-button, and whether it is clicking on the hour or minute, it will jump up one by one until it shows 00. I don't know why

On some Android phones, in the browser, open the page, click on the time in the on ion-datetime-button, and whether it is clicking on the hour or minute, it will jump up one by one until it shows 00. I don’t know why

    <ion-label floating>End Date</ion-label>
    <ion-datetime-button datetime="datetime2" ></ion-datetime-button>

    <ion-modal [keepContentsMounted]="true">
        <ion-datetime id="datetime2" formControlName="EndDate" (ionChange)="onDateChange($event)"></ion-datetime>