Ionic3 setRootNav issue

(getRootNav) is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. Use getRootNavById instead.
How can i use getRootById, I can’t fix my issues

constructor(private appCtrl: App) {

Thanks for your answer.
But now i want to do like this

TabPage is Tabbar Controller
But this is not working. Show previous page info.
Please help me

What you mean Show previous page info?
this thing have to work

I will explain structure of my app
1 . splash page -> TabbarPage(include 4 pages)
2. when click listitem of first page in Tabbar, I can see Other Tabbar, but first page of Other Tabbar is showing firstpage of First Tabbar
I don’t know what’s wrong,




In here, getRootById or getRootNavById?
Which is correct?