Ionic2 Floating button not working

<ion-fab right bottom>
            <button ion-fab color="light" style="z-index:100"><ion-icon name="add"></ion-icon></button>

it is inside ion-content. But it is getting scroll and also showing in left side.i tried many solution given by others bt non of them worked for me

get solved by this way.

<ion-fixed class="fixed-div">
        <button fab fab-right fab-bottom danger  (click)="navigateAdd()">
            <ion-icon name="add"></ion-icon>

        right: 0;
        bottom: 0;

Hmm, that second one doesn’t seem right. The first snippet is the correct way to create this UI.

Can you provide a more complete example?


  <ion-fab right bottom>
    <button ion-fab color="light"><ion-icon name="add"></ion-icon></button>


here is my code which is not working.

<ion-header class="ED">
            Event Manager
<ion-content class="list" >
        <ion-list *ngFor="let l of list1" (click)="openPage(l)">
            <ion-item   >
                <p>   {{l.title}} </p> <p >{{l.des}} 


    <ion-fab right bottom>
            <button ion-fab color="light" style="z-index:100"><ion-icon name="add"></ion-icon></button>

I’m not able to replicate using the latest RC. It’ stays where it’s supposed to without any issues.

whenever i find anything abt it , any mistake in my side. i will post abt it

Same problem here. Did you solved it?

Thank you

i was using Visual studio 2015. lot of libraries was not upto date. what is your package.json dependencies.