I’m wondering how to do the same dynamic addition of inputs in ionic2 framework as it is done in Angular4 by this demo example given on stackoverflow answer
my page1.ts:
addInputs() {
this.anArray.push({ 'value': '' },{});
<ion-item *ngFor="let att of anArray; let idx = index">
<ion-label color="light"> {{att.label}} {{idx+1}} </ion-label>
<ion-input type="text" [(ngModel)]="anArray[idx].value"></ion-input>
<button ion-button (click)="addInputs();">add fields</button>
but how to create two inputs with different label names as “Name:” and “Surname:” same for each new pair.
For example if I add name directly:
<ion-label color="light"> Name: {{att.label}} </ion-label>
of course this way creates two inputs with same name, and seems not really correct for my case:
this.anArray.push({ 'value': '' },{});
I’m new with Ionic2 and TypeScript, maybe I can use counter {{idx+1}}
to attache Name:
and Surname:
labels to input field, created by one click with using even and odd value of number, but I’m not sure, how to do it properly.
Advice would be helpful