Noob question. Still figuring out ts, ng2, and ionic2.
How do I make an ion-icon clickable and then handle that event?
<ion-input type='text' (input)='search($event, searchKey)' placeholder='type here'></ion-input>
<ion-icon name="close-circle" item-right (<<??>>)='clearInputText($event)'></ion-icon>
You can add a <button>
element to achieve this:
<ion-input type='text' (input)='search($event, searchKey)' placeholder='type here'></ion-input>
<button item-right clear (click)='clearInputText($event)'>
<ion-icon name="close-circle"></ion-icon>
like #iignatov said above, put it inside button tag.but icon wasnt clickable for my case.but surrounding area of button was clickable.what i did was to make button on top of icon using z index.
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how to set the size of the button same as the the icon? other wise you have a expanded clicking area around icon.