How can i make an icon button with the icon on top of the text
I tried adding a break tag but that didnt work. any ideas?
<ion-icon name='refresh'></ion-icon>
<br />
How can i make an icon button with the icon on top of the text
I tried adding a break tag but that didnt work. any ideas?
<ion-icon name='refresh'></ion-icon>
<br />
Not sure what you mean by text on top of button, please look at this link if you are looking for a button with icon and text. The below picture shows the end result and here is the source code for the attached image
How about this?
<button> <div> <ion-icon name='refresh'></ion-icon> <br> <label>Refresh</label> </div> </button>
worked for me, thanks!
this works even without <_ br _> tag