Ionic white screen issue

Hi. this question is asked many times. I read nearly all questions about this, but I can not solve this problem. I opened an ionic project. I did not add any plugin or other. I added only two template pages. And I set their routes. When I firstly run app, there is no problem. But if I run app again, it shows a white screen before my home page is shown. Is there a bug on ionic? I try all said in forum answers, but I can not resolve this problem.Is there a cetain solution about this?
Thanks in advance.

sounds like your app is not ready the splashscreen is hiding.
Hide the splashscreen manually on android and increase the splashscreen duration for ios in the config.xml

I add config below lines:

"preference name=“AutoHideSplashScreen” value=“false”
"preference name=“SplashScreenDelay” value=“10000” "

I also hide splash in ready event. As I said before, if app first opens, everything is ok. I also change cordovasplashScreen plugin version from 2.1.o to 2.0.0. Now white screen is not shown. I touch back button from android phone, then app is now at background. I click app icon again, one or two second splash screen comes, then it shows main page on app. My issue is this. In fact, templates are cached. Why does this hapen?