Ionic + VUE - reset outlet pages from stack

How can I delete all subpages from the vue router history when the user sign out? Because all pages remain in the memory … But i need use router history with router.push() - that means pages push to router history


  1. UserA sign in with their user/password
  2. UserA is redirected to the profile page after the login
  3. UserA do logout
  4. UserB sign in with their user/password
  5. UserB is redirected to the profile page after the login (and he see the UserA profile info)

Thanks for help…

you cannot do that with the ionic vue router… It seems you are not properly updating the state of the profile page, that is why it is showing the wrong information

what could be the solution?
the goal is:
a) load pages in case of first entry, then do not load again (ideally do not use ionViewWillEnter, but only created() or mounted())
b) move between pages with push() so that they are stored in memory (not replace())

this same still is true, you are programing your application flow incorrectly. I really cannot help anymore unless you provide some code, I have no idea how you are loading data on your pages

If you are maintaing your user data at some store watch on that store state on login and reset the profile page information.