Ionic/Vue issue when putting Vue in modal

i have a ionic/vue project which has a login screen. when i use the screen like normal <Login/> it works fine, but when i put it in a modal i’m getting an error TypeError: Cannot read property 'dispatch' of undefined . i assume it’s because this maybe resolves to the screen that opened the Login vue instead of using what’s in the Vue page. anybody ever experienced this before?

When I lookup the line in question: var dispatch = this.$store.dispatch; it has a reference to this being the Login vue, but it cannot access $store. Will keep trying to figure out why this is!

code?? it is really helpful…

i am guessing… but your modal component should emit an event when the button is clicked and have the parent dispatch the event to the store to try and login

I’ll try out the emit thing.

In the meantime, it’s actually code you wrote from the ion-meetup-vue2 project we’ve been chatting about. So in MY code, what I did was put your Login.vue into a modal. So you simply click on the “Login” button on App.vue and it calls Login.vue in a modal. That works fine. It’s when you go to login that the problems starts. Mind you, if I call <Login/> outside of a modal, the login works fine.

When I try to login it calls async doLogin() and that calls vuex.esm.js and dies on this line:
var dispatch = this.$store.dispatch;

Here is a video which might help:

I put parent: this on the parent but the modal isn’t picking up this.$parent. So I’m having trouble emitting back to the parent:

TypeError: Cannot read property '$emit' of undefined

Will keep looking into it…

I got you…

I went from this:

					component: Login,
						parent: this
				.then(m => m.present());


					component: Login,
					componentProps: {
						parent: this
				.then(m => m.present());

Things appear to be working now. Sorry I’m slow with the Vue + Ionic pickup! lol