Ionic Vue Capacitor 3 - iOS pod install fails

Dear Ionic community

I hope you can help me although it might not directly related to Ionic but to using and upgrading to Capacitor 3 and getting it to run on iOS. when running the command pod install I always get the following error:

CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "CapacitorCordova":
  In Podfile:
    Capacitor (from `../../node_modules/@capacitor/ios`) was resolved to 3.1.2, which depends on

    CapacitorCordova (from `../../node_modules/@capacitor/ios`)

Specs satisfying the `CapacitorCordova (from `../../node_modules/@capacitor/ios`), CapacitorCordova` dependency were found, but they required a higher minimum deployment target.

I have the following pods in the Podfile:

def capacitor_pods
  pod 'Capacitor', :path => '../../node_modules/@capacitor/ios'
  pod 'CapacitorCordova', :path => '../../node_modules/@capacitor/ios'
  pod 'CapacitorCommunitySqlite', :path => '../../node_modules/@capacitor-community/sqlite'
  pod 'CapacitorApp', :path => '../../node_modules/@capacitor/app'
  pod 'CordovaPlugins', :path => '../capacitor-cordova-ios-plugins'

and I use the latest versions:

"@capacitor/app": "^1.0.2",
    "@capacitor/core": "^3.1.2",
    "@capacitor/ios": "^3.1.2",
"@capacitor/cli": "^3.1.2",

I cant find the location where to increase the minimum deployment target for CapacitorCordova. inside the general Podfile I have platform :ios, '13.0' - but there is no podspec for CapacitorCordova. can someone give me a hint or knows the problem?