The Maine Coon is out of the bag! We’ve closed a lot of issues and feature requests and wanted to get them into your hands for testing. Also, please keep the issues coming, they’ve been extremely helpful and can’t thank the community enough for helping to improve Ionic.
Changes for v0.9.21:
- Toggle directive now includes .item.item-toggle wrapper
- Toggle/Checkbox/Radio implements ng-model/ng-value/ng-change
- Ionicons v1.4.2, icons now using :before pseudo
- Button and header size updates
- Android “click” event firing twice fixes
- Refactor platform ready event listeners
- Refactor navView directive
- Created ionic.Platform.fullscreen() and .showStatusBar()
- Update to Angular v1.2.8
- Disable pointer-events during transitions
- Remove ngTouch from angular.modules
- Remove angular-touch.js and angular-route.js references
As always please let us know how its working, any bugs you may find, or any features which would be helpful.