[Ionic Tutorial] Beautiful Custom Tabs with Custom Icons

Thanks!! really cool.

I need to get it work now with just 3 tabs (being the second tab the one with the +). So far my attempts make it look quite weird.

Also it would be amazing if the colors are aligned with the primary, secondary, etc… colors.


This is awesome… Great stuff @reinerluke97

A little adjustment to the tabs.page.scss on line 5: is to adjust the margin as below which gives it a proper centering and alignment. Good job @reinerluke97 once again.

margin: 5px auto 0px !important;
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@reinerluke97 the only cosmetic fix i can see is possibly removing the ripple effect from tab button 3 and adding it to the custom middle button so it more accurately appears to be the point of interaction

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Sensacional! Parabéns e muito obrigado por isso

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Works pretty smooth, well done and thanks o/