Ionic TOO SLOW ! Should we move back to Ionic 1 or React?

The tips here are all valid but for me the biggest gain was when I analyzed my bundle js file, first check the file size because the parsing at the launch of your application is very important for startup speed. Then analyze your bundle with source-map-explorer to look if there are bloated librarys/modules that you don’t need for the first screen.

It takes time to optimize an app and just to compile and judge a starter kit that is not optimized might not show the whole picture of ionics possibilities.

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@hemant07rulz check the imported class name in app.modules file . Duplicate class name is not an issue in ionic 1 but in ionic 2 it could delay your app launching.

  1. Two classes should not have same name.
  2. Should not import same class name multiple times in app.modules file.
    Hope it will help in your case…

May you try upgrading to Angular4 /Ionic 3.5, it speeds up my app quite a lot.