After updating to V7, my toasts are only semi appearing down the bottom of my device.
Does anyone have an idea as to why this is happening?
After updating to V7, my toasts are only semi appearing down the bottom of my device.
Does anyone have an idea as to why this is happening?
You are going to have to provide more information for us to help. A reproduction on StackBlitz is a good start.
I didn’t have any issues with my toasts when upgrading to Ionic v7 on my Vue app. However, I know there is an overlap issue when using tabs (which was present prior to v7).
We have the following code to move the toasts above the tabs.
.md .toasts-bottom {
transform: translateY(-56px) !important;
.ios .toasts-bottom {
transform: translateY(-50px) !important;
The new toast positioning can probably be used now.
No luck unfortunately.
FYI - It’s .toast-bottom
not “toasts”
@twestrick This fix works if i have inside the chrome dev tools but for some reason the CSS isn’t being picked up if I put it in my global.scss file. No clue why
Looks like the toast-wrapper is not exposed as a shadow part… nightmare. Does anyone know how to style this element ?
Ahh, forgot to mention I am using a toastController
and setting cssClass
to toast-bottom
so it’s a custom class.
const myToastController = await toastController.create({
message: toast.message,
color: this.getColorFromType(toast.type),
buttons: buttons,
position: 'bottom',
duration: toast.duration,
cssClass: 'toasts-bottom',
To modify the Shadow DOM try the code I posted over here - Ionic change causes css to stop working - any way to modify shadow dom to fix it? - #4 by twestrick.
Yeh your solution with the custom css class doesn’t work because this change needs to go onto the .toast-wrapper child element of the shadow dom, not the parent ion-toast element.
any idea what I am doing wrong here?
enterAnimation: this.animationService.showToastAnimation,
leaveAnimation: this.animationService.hideToastAnimation,
buttons: [
text: this.translationService.translate("close"),
side: "end",
handler: () => {}
let toastBottom: HTMLElement = toast.shadowRoot.querySelector('.toast-bottom');
if (toastBottom) { = "translateY(-56px) !important";
I’m using the custom class in an Ionic Vue production app
Here is an example - IonToast above the tabs - StackBlitz
Thanks, now I have no idea why my toast is appearing in the shadow-root in angular. Your example is outside the shadow root
Interesting. Here is a working Angular example. You do need to put the styles in the global.css
EDIT - False alarm. My animations were causing havoc with ion toast. Removing these solved the issue