Hello Everyone,
i need help please .
After i created tabs page , and injected it in app.module.ts and then it doesn’t appear when i launched ionic serve ,
so i did use something in my app.page .html , it appeared but the side menu stopped working .
the application do not display any error but the side menu just stopped working .
My app.page.html
<div class="{{global.state['theme']}}">
<!--Dark Design Menu-->
<ion-menu [content]="content" id="menu-dark">
<ion-header class="sidemenuHeader">
<ion-item no-lines>
<ion-avatar item-left>
<p>Bienvenu à E-Reclamation !</p>
<ion-content class="menu">
<button menuClose="left" ion-item *ngFor="let p of pages" (click)="openPage(p)">
<ion-icon [name]="p.icon" item-left></ion-icon> {{p.title}}
<!-- Disable swipe-to-go-back because it's poor UX to combine STGB with side menus -->
<ion-nav [root]="rootPage" [root]="rootsPage" #content swipeBackEnabled="false"></ion-nav>
my app.component.ts
import { AppState } from './app.global';
import { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { Nav, Platform, MenuController } from 'ionic-angular';
import { StatusBar } from '@ionic-native/status-bar';
import { SplashScreen } from '@ionic-native/splash-screen';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { SideMenuPage } from '../pages/side-menu/side-menu';
import { ConnecterPage } from '../pages/connecter/connecter';
import { InscriptionPage } from '../pages/inscription/inscription';
import { SettingsPage } from '../pages/settings/settings';
import { TabsPage } from '../pages/tabs/tabs';
templateUrl: 'app.html'
export class MyApp {
@ViewChild(Nav) nav: Nav;
tabsroots: any = TabsPage;
rootPage: any = 'SideMenuPage';
activePage = new Subject();
pages: Array<{ title: string, component: any, active: boolean, icon: string }>;
rightMenuItems: Array<{ icon: string, active: boolean }>;
state: any;
public platform: Platform,
public statusBar: StatusBar,
public splashscreen: SplashScreen,
public global: AppState,
public menuCtrl: MenuController
) {
this.rightMenuItems = [
{ icon: 'home', active: true },
{ icon: 'contact', active: false },
{ icon: 'settings', active: false }
this.pages = [
{ title: 'Home', component: 'SideMenuPage', active: true, icon: 'home' },
{ title: 'Se Connecter', component: ConnecterPage, active: false, icon: 'contact' },
{ title: 'Inscrivez-vous', component: InscriptionPage, active: false, icon: 'contact' },
{ title: 'Parametres', component: SettingsPage, active: false, icon: 'settings' }
this.activePage.subscribe((selectedPage: any) => {
this.pages.map (page => {
page.active = page.title === selectedPage.title;
initializeApp() {
this.platform.ready().then(() => {
this.global.set('theme', '');
// Okay, so the platform is ready and our plugins are available.
// Here you can do any higher level native things you might need.
this.menuCtrl.enable(false, 'right');
openPage(page) {
// Reset the content nav to have just this page
// we wouldn't want the back button to show in this scenario
rightMenuClick(item) {
this.rightMenuItems.map(menuItem => menuItem.active = false);
item.active = true;