Hello everyone,
i need your help again
I want to get some data from my Ionic Storage, where i set a JSON-Array. One the home-page i fetch some http-data from my api and then a barcode-scanner will find the right Array in the JSON-API-File and store it in the Ionic Storage. (That works fine!)
On the next page i get the JSON-like Data from my Storage but i cant get the first attributes
information: boolean[];
ionViewDidLoad() {
console.log('ionViewDidLoad StartseitePage');
this.storage.get('rallyeData').then((data)=> {
this.information = data;
<!-- <div *ngFor="let information of information; let i = index;"> -->
<div text-center >{{information.name}}</div>
<div text-center>{{information.besch}}</div>
<!-- </div> -->
When i comment out the For-loop in html i get the JSON in my console.log:
Else when there is a For-loop i get the Error-Message: “Cannot find a differ supporting object ‘[object Object]’ of type ‘object’. NgFor only supports binding to Iterables such as Arrays.”.
How can i get the yellow mark attributes from my Ionic Storage? Maybe someone can help me?