Ionic slide skip the some slide after manual swipe

 <ion-slides #mySlides [options]="slideOptions" loop="true" pager="true"  autoplay="3000" color="dark" (ionSlideDidChange)="ionSlideDidChange($event)" *ngIf="(banner_Images.length > 0 && footerShown)"  class="wrapper">
    <ion-slide (click)="advDetail(banner)" *ngFor="let banner of banner_Images; let i = index ">
      <div class="splash-in">
        <!-- <img src="{{banner.image}}" alt="Logo" style="height: 100%; width: 100%;"  /> -->
        <img style="height:100%; width: 100%; display: inline-block !important"src="{{banner.image}}" alt="Logo"   />

When user swipe maunally ionic slide start with autoplay and skip oneslides and repeat the other slides.Please try to help resolve the issue.

@ViewChild('mySlides') Slides: Slides;
  ionViewDidEnter() {
  ionSlideDidChange(event) { 
    console.log("ionSlideDidChange------.------>>realIndex", this.Slides.realIndex)
    // setTimeout(() => {
    //     this.Slides.slideNext();
    // }, 4000)