Hello .
In my ionic 3 project I Have my home page where I have several vertical slides . I want while page loads it should open a particular slide by its index number . I have used initialSlide property which sometimes working and sometimes does not .
How to fix this ?
<ion-slides dir="{{dir}}" speed="300" initialSlide={{index_num}} direction="vertical" effect="flip"
<ion-slide *ngFor="let slide of rssDataArray" (swipe)="swipeEvent($event)">
<div class="slide-image-div">
<img [src]="slide.image ? slide.image : default_image" class="slide-image" (click)="tapOnHomePage(tap_status)">
<h2 (click)="saveToBookMarks()" class="slide-title" [innerHTML]="slide.title"
<p class="description" [innerHTML]="slide.description" (click)="tapOnHomePage(tap_status)"></p>
<p class="tips">swipe left for more news</p>