how to make side menu to width to be 80% of screen width?
I would also love to hear an answer on this - any help !!!
ion-side-menu has a “width” attribute which you can set to {{0.8 * devWidth}}
$rootScope.devWidth = ((window.innerWidth > 0) ? window.innerWidth : screen.width);
The problem however is once set, it is not possible to change is as far as I can tell, so in future if you flip your phone from landscape to portrait and you trap the "resize " event in the hope that you recompute devWidth and have the side menu automatically take up 80% of that new value, it does not seem to work.
I’ve even tried getting a handle to the ion-side-menu element on “resize” and tried to do element.attr(), and others but it made no difference
Thanks It works for me, there is no question of orientation changed, because my app is portrait only