Ionic show / hide panel

Hello ionic developers,

This will make few days that i search solution for my template with ionic 1 project. I have my main ionic view panel, and i would like to show or hide panel from my bottom to center of my main view panel.

but i don’t know how i can do that ? And if i can do with plugins ?

Please can you help me to solve my issue. Please look at my two attached files to see what i am talking about.


do you already have this implemented and just need to toggle?
if its with css you can use ng-class, or ng-show if you toggle it like that

Hi Chaos505,

I want ton implement this component in my footer bar.

it would probably be easier to put it in the ion-content tag the footer might have odd behavior on some devices.
or you can use the ionic action sheet and style it the way you like

example from